Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Top 10 Favorite Viral Videos

Well, I started thinking about some of my favorite internet videos yesterday and decided to post a list of my faves. Some of these are ridiculous and I apologize for my odd sense of humor. Click the title to see the video.

1. Aicha
I don't know what possessed this guy to make this video, but thank you.

2. Completely Uncalled For
This is the greatest knock-knock joke EVER!

3. Scissors In Arm
I think this guy is secretly a ninja.

4. Laughing Baby
This kid is just plain adorable.

5. Here It Goes Again
Greatest choreographed music video EVER! (I really like capitalizing that word.)

6. The Landlord
Will Ferrell's best work to date.

7. I Feel GREAT!!
My favorite commercial of all time.

8. Kick a Monster's @$$
This little girl talks a big talk, but can she really back it up?

9. Omazing Grace
I almost feel bad posting this one...almost.

10. Extra Steering Wheel
Another great commercial.

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